Fake Fake Fake

We don't sell!
But we moan and groan over suppliers that sell fake flower, vegetable and exotic seeds or seeds that actually do not exist!
So you pay your money..wait a year or 2, just to find out that you have been scammed.

This blog serves to point out these fake products and scammers! Send us an email if you like to add to the list.


Fraud Seeds - India, Tailand, Indonesia is now moving in - Beware!

There are several so called "Malls" that are opening up shops in various market places (Eb@y, B0nanza, Amaz0n, ecrater..etc) - Sell you dead plants and it doesn't matter if it is actually are what you ordered because..well, they are dead.

The seeds offered however are the hammer - they appear to be buying the cheapest, expired, seed varieties out there and then resell them overpriced as different varieties.
By the time you find out ..guess what! They are gone!! 

I cannot empathize this enough! Check the feedback of any company you buy from!

Businesses need to have ethics.
Worst offender thus far (feel free to add below in the comment):

-RancupidAU (etc)

These folks work out of india, tailand, indonesia etc "malls" and then set them-self up,
pretending to sell from the USA.
Of course most fall for it and hopefully.... after 6 weeks of waiting, you may get "something". 

1 comment:

  1. have a look on this !
    and thanks for your effort !
    too beautiful to be true
