Fake Fake Fake

We don't sell!
But we moan and groan over suppliers that sell fake flower, vegetable and exotic seeds or seeds that actually do not exist!
So you pay your money..wait a year or 2, just to find out that you have been scammed.

This blog serves to point out these fake products and scammers! Send us an email if you like to add to the list.


Fake Monilaria obconica Seeds - Rabbit plant

FRAUD! Again - and so blatantly !
Look at some of these complains "still waiting for color..." 
it makes me so mad!

Left the photo-shopped version, right the original image.
Image Courtesy I. P. WaterWorkS

Offenders: Various chinese market places
"exoticseed" on Etsy, appears to sell from Cyprus

1 comment:

  1. Dziękuję za wartościowe informacje! Ludzie są oszukiwanie w taki sposób także w moim kraju - w Polsce. Dziękuję za ten blog.
