Fake Fake Fake

We don't sell!
But we moan and groan over suppliers that sell fake flower, vegetable and exotic seeds or seeds that actually do not exist!
So you pay your money..wait a year or 2, just to find out that you have been scammed.

This blog serves to point out these fake products and scammers! Send us an email if you like to add to the list.


Fake Sapodilla Solanum Pear Buddha

Year this one is special scam. Also known advertised as Chinese Baby Ginseng Fruit Perennial Seeds Pear Tree Seeds. 

Sapodilla is actually a Sapote and not a pear, Solanum is in the tomato family and is also not a pear. So who knows what you are actually end up getting....could be dried pepper corns.

There is no such thing as Buddha Pear "seeds" like the fruit above. 
These are actually created via a plastic mold.

For the Buddha result, the molds will have to be purchased separately and the likes are found here (we are not associated or affiliated with this website). 

However, we don't recommend wrapping your fruit in a plastic mold for several months...who knows where the plastic comes from or what it is made from.
 It's probably also from China and probably contains lead and BPA.
Waiting time for results: 7-15 years
Money lost: Between $1 and $7 per purchase.
This may not be a lot to some - It's the principal

Sold on ebay>amazon>bangood>aliexpress etc
Worst offenders:
  • luckiness87 
  • Love_luckiness87 

More will be added....


  1. "myfirstcoast(442)" on ebay is selling them

  2. graceexpo sells on ebay

  3. Thank you much! Please keep on posting fake seed sources!
