Fake Fake Fake

We don't sell!
But we moan and groan over suppliers that sell fake flower, vegetable and exotic seeds or seeds that actually do not exist!
So you pay your money..wait a year or 2, just to find out that you have been scammed.

This blog serves to point out these fake products and scammers! Send us an email if you like to add to the list.


Fake Venus Flytrap Seeds from China

Fake Venus Flytrap Seeds. The original post comes from the flytrap website (see below.)

It takes years to create a reputable online business and then China sells fakes..in this case the seller got Baby's breath seed for Flytrap Seeds. Despicable!

Beware of listings that also show a “mix” of carnivorous plants, advertising a mix of seeds. No carnivorous plants from different genera should have their seeds mixed together, i.e. Sarracenia, Sundews and Nepenthes. They all have different requirements and no seller worthwhile would mix the seeds. The seller is simply lying.


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