Fake Fake Fake

We don't sell!
But we moan and groan over suppliers that sell fake flower, vegetable and exotic seeds or seeds that actually do not exist!
So you pay your money..wait a year or 2, just to find out that you have been scammed.

This blog serves to point out these fake products and scammers! Send us an email if you like to add to the list.


Rainbow Rose Seeds, Black Rose Seeds - Scam

Seeds of these Roses do not exist. This type of colors are achieved either by slicing the stem and soaking them in colored liquid, or they are simply photo-shopped (digitally enhanced).

How coloring via liquid works: Rainbow Rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Waiting time for results: 5-7 years

Money lost: Between $1 and $7 per purchase. 

This may not be a lot to some - It's the principal.
We do not know what type of seeds they are actually sending, could be wild roses, could be grass seeds or weed seeds - who knows.

(mainly from china and a few delusional "US" and "European" sellers)

Worst offenders of fake rose seeds - who are making a killing: 

  • OneFlowerShop -etsy
  • paradise4garden -etsy
  • NaturalWaves
  • SaharasSupplies
  • CreationsByBud 
  • TheGreenHouse55 -etsy
  • VKPEnterprisesLLC-etsy
  • Greenworld1 -etsy
  • matoed

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